This (2018) Halloween, Sticker Mule and Dribbble teamed up for a spooky challenge to create your own spooky sticker! I decided to participate because I had a great idea: mashup Jason from Friday the 13th and No Face from Sprited Away.
Whenever I do a mashup, I basically have to create full illustrations of all the things I’m mashing up. Otherwise it looks too patchwork to me, and I end up hating it. So I started with No Face, because in my opinion he’s harder to get right; he’s not really scary, but he is supernatural looking. A bit like an anime Mona Lisa.
After I got No Face in a place I liked, I started on Jason (or more accurately, his mask). Now, Jason has a crack in his mask made in part III, and I wanted to include that as well. So my husband hit upon the idea of filling the crack with gold nuggets, courtesy of No Face. Perfect!
